Sunday, December 28, 2008

Times are a changing

So here is an update on how the holiday went. Christmas was okay. It was difficult not to be able to give as much back to my family as I would have liked to, however it was nice. I got to spend some time with the family and also the best friend came home which was amazing. I was able to spend some time with him and also see some other friends that I haven't seen in awhile. However, Greyson left this morning. It was hard. Like really hard. I told myself that I wasn't going to cry. But I did. It was terrible. It was raining, I couldn't see through the tears and the rain, and to top it all off, every song on the radio was about moving away or saying goodbye to someone. Oh god. It was bad. I thought maybe I wouldn't cry so bad because of the fact that I have gotten so used to having to say goodbye to him. But it wasn't the same this time because I know that I won't be seeing him soon. All the other times that he has left, I could look forward to seeing him again in a couple of weeks or what not. But not this time. This time, he isn't just going to be 3 1/2 hours away or 5 1/2 hours away. No, he is going to be like a two hour plane ride away. Hopefully, things work out for him down there. If everything goes according to plan I will be down there with him in March. That is if he still wants me to come down there. It's funny though because I have told everyone here that I am planning on moving down there. They just all think that I mean in years of so and I just agree with them. But really, I want to go as soon as possible. I can't wait. I think that it is going to be so great down there. I can only hope.

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