Monday, December 1, 2008

Big Girls Don't Cry

It's that feeling in the pit of your stomache,
When you get the call,
That they are gone.
It's that tear that you can't help but shed,
When you realize they are no more.
It's wishing that it's all a dream,
And that soon you will wake up,
When you feel the hurt once more.
It's the line in the middle of the poem,
That makes you want to scream,
When you realize what's really going on.
It's the fact that you can't help,
Feeling like it's all about to crash,
And you can't help but fall.
Fall to pieces,
Fall to the ground,
Fall behind,
Of everything you've ever known.
It's realizing that you really are alone,
Because everyone you've ever known lies,
And breaks promises they can not keep.
So why trust?
Why believe?
When this is all just a dream?

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