Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Outfield

I love that feeling of accomplishment at the end of a relaxing day. A feeling that you have done absolutely nothing all day long, yet you've done so much. Take for instance, my day today. I stayed up most of the night last night exploring the world wide web and watching late night television only to pass out at about 4:30. I then woke up two hours later to take my sister to the bus where on my way to the car, I busted my ass on an ice patch in my drivway. Man I went down like a fucking terrorist at an airport. After that fall, my day was ruined. It's funny how something like that can happen to you and your whole day will be shot. Instances like busting your ass on a patch of ice or stubbing your toe can make you reflect deeply on your life and realize that you need to just crawl back in bed and enjoy a good cry. Not a short weepy cry but more like a on your knees gasping for air good cry. Damn those moments. Lol. There was no way that I was going to get up and do anything productive today. So, I then preceded to enter my bedroom where I passed out for a good two hours. I then spent the rest of the day thinking up wild and crazy ideas and searching for jobs in the land of the sun. For you idiots out there, that reference was to Sarasota. It is now 10:03 at night and I haven't done a thing all day. I'm so proud of my boring ass. GO ME!!!! So because I don't want to go to sleep tonight feeling like I didn't do all that I could do, I'm gonna blog a bit.

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