Thursday, December 11, 2008

Love Remains The Same

Feels like I'm standing in a timeless dream.
It's been hardly a moment and you are already missed.
Those days of warm sun rays come rushing back to me.
Miles of windless summer night air.
Secret moments shared in the heat of the afternoon.
Roadtrips to the edge of the sea,
To the edge of boundaries,
Rides in cars just wasting gas,
Learning, growing, maturing,
And ashes of cigarettes and songs from distant days,
Are just a part of the memory.
Our mornings are getting colder,
Our nights are getting restless,
And every night,
I fall asleep and sleep in hopes of waking up,
To find that it's all just a dream.
But your bags are packed,
And your plane is leaving early in the morning,
Yet, I find myself is a haze,
Knowing that soon I'll have to face the day,
The day that I will have to say it,
The day I'll have to say goodbye.

This week has been CRAZY so far and it's not over yet. Greyson is moving to Florida in a couple of weeks. It's crazy I know. I'm so happy for him. He has waited so long to go to Florida and finally he is getting the chance. He is starting school in January down there. I'm going to miss him like you wouldn't believe. I don't think anyone will fully understand how much I am going to miss him, but this is so good for him. He needs this and if everything works out, it won't be long before I will be able to join him in the sun. :) I think that it is going to be incredibly hard to say goodbye, which is why I'm not going to. I'm just going to say catch ya later or something along those lines. But that is all I'm going to say about that for now. I woke up this morning to find that besides my school loan that I have to pay back when I graduate, I now owe my school money each month because the loan didn't cover all of it. I didn't know that I was supposed to be paying this until today so I am like three months behind. I owe them over 800 dollars. It sucks but I'm just like add it to the tab. But what sucks the most about it is that I now have no money to buy any Christmas gifts for anyone. I can't even afford the wrapping paper to wrap a gift in which is like fifty cents at Dollar General. It is going to be so hard to wake up Christmas morning and not be able give my family anything. I think I'm just gonna buy them something when I do have the money. It makes me feel like shit and I can't get over it. On top of that, today was the only day that I have off this week and all I wanted to do was just spend the day relaxing. Maybe listen to some music, watch a movie, talk to some friends that I haven't had time to talk to, read a book, or just catch up on some sleeping. But that didn't happen. Instead I spent the whole day just running errands and wasting gas. I didn't get to do anything for myself. I really just need a day. A day to get out and do something for myself. A day to just surround myself in things that don't involve money, college, work, or anything of that sorts. But I don't think I'm gonna get that for awhile. Or at least until things get better in the fucking house. It's okay though. I've got my music. I've got the best friend ever and I've got a smile on my face because I'm listening to a song that just makes me want to dance. And that's cool with me because I love to dance. Although, I will never admit that to anyone because I suck at it, I love to just bust a move in my room while I'm listening to the perfect song. It puts a smile on my face everytime. :)

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