Friday, December 5, 2008

I Love This Movie

So it has been a rough past few days. I don't know exactly what has been wrong with me but whatever. I've dealt. I have been working like crazy. I'm so tired that I could sleep for days. My one friend went back to Virginia and I'm pretty sure she is pissed off at me because she feels that we are no longer as close as we used to be. I haven't really talked to my other friend that much because he has been really busy. But things are actually starting to look up. Today my mother sat me down and we had a really long talk. She explained a lot of things to me. Things that I thought I understood in life but in all reality I don't. I thought that I knew how the world worked and that I could read people. Obviously, as the past week has played out, I'm still young an niave. Whatever. Who cares. So the world will still turn every minute of the day. So I'll still wake up every morning and the sun may or may not shine. Whatever. I'm dealing. But anyway back to what I was saying. Today was a good day. The best day I have had in quite some time. Well, with the exception of my car breaking down and being stranded in town for an hour but other than that, it was good. I talked to some people that I havent' talked to in awhile. Still, though, things don't feel the same but I'm just gonna let whatever happens happen. Right now I am watching only the best movie in the world. I've seen it four times and it still makes me laugh like crazy. Stepbrothers. <- that's the movie cuz i forgot to mention that. But yea I'm sitting here laughing, smoking a cig, and watching stepbrothers. Life is good. Well sort of. It could be better. But still it's good.

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