Saturday, December 20, 2008

$$$$$$ = *!@%

After four months of waiting, we finally received word today. My mom will not be getting compensation. Workman's comp believes that she doesn't have a strong enough case. Funny, because I thought that if you're injured on the job, doesn't that kind of mean that you are entitled to compensation? Well I guess, according to them, she has to be like on her death bed in order to receive payments. So as if the past four months weren't hard enough without any money, let's add another four onto the pile. And as if that isn't bad enough, the Pennsylvania assistance office doesn't even know if they can help us out because they have never dealt with a case like our's. So the only money that is coming into our household is mine. I can't do it anymore. I can't bust my ass every fucking day of the week, pay my car insurance, pay my tuition, pay the electric, pay the cell phone bill, pay the internet bill, pay the tv bill, and still have enough money left over so that I can buy gas just to make it to work to do it all over again. I can't afford it. I'm so tired of bill collector's blowing up my phone because my payments are late. Why does everything have to fucking evolve around money? UGH....I'm so tired of this shit, you have no idea.

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