Saturday, December 13, 2008

After I fall, I'll know why they call it falling

I want to know what it's like to fall in love. I want to know what it's like to have your breath taken away. To gasp for air, because you're so caught up, in the moment, in the heat of a thousand moments. To be caught up in love. I want to know what it's like to take someone's breath away. To know what it's like to be the thought that crosses someone else's mind. Instead, I wake up in the morning with bruised ribs where I was thinking so hard about someone else. I want to feel like someone cares. Like someone feels the same way that I do. I want to know what it's like to fall so hard for someone and have them feel the same way back. I'm tired of just occasional one night stands in the back of his car and I'm tired of using him to feel a little less invisible. I'm tired of sleeping with him because I don't care. Because I don't feel the same way about him. I want more than that. I want the fairytale. I want someone to take my hand in drag me head first, fearless. Someone to kiss in the rain, to sing in the car, to hold hands while walking down the street, to dance in the pouring down rain in my best clothes and not care because I'm there, caught up, in his arms. I want a love like Shakespeare wrote about. A love like in the movies. I just want to fall, just once, in love with somone that loves me back.

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