Sunday, December 14, 2008

It's On People

So I live in a town that happens to be located in the middle of nowhere. Now, as if that isn't punsihment enough, my parents, god love em, decided to build their estate beyond the white picket fences of the redneck town, and choose an even more secluded area. Ahh, an area where the hills are alive with the sound of music, and the nearest house is a mile away from your own. While growing up, this was amazing. I couldn't ask for more. The view from my bedroom window is breathtaking. I, who enjoy singing at the top of my lungs, could walk outside and belt a number out and not have to worry about disrupting the peace whatsoever. Mainly because I was singing to the trees and other various objects of nature. Anyway, back to the topic of this here blog. When I was little, it was like an adventure island. Everyday, I could explore the land more and more. There was not one place that I didn't travel on my 10 speed purple mountain bike. However, now that I am older, and I enjoy the company of newer technological advancements, such as the computer, internet, and cell phones. I don't really idolize the land I live on. This shit is no longer cool with me. I hate dial up like you wouldn't believe. I mean seriously, you can forget about listening to live streaming music or youtube because if you want to watch a video, it takes a full day just to load the title page. Cell phone service is no where to be found. Luckly, however, I am a txt whore so I at least havea bar to send txts or else I would be going out of my flippin mind. But, my mother insisted that we have the "in" network because it would be cheaper to talk to our friends, but hello, how does that work if you don't even have enough service to make a call. Anyway, the point of my rant is the fact that because I have dial up and cannot have wireless at my house, nor do I have cell phone service to call my friends when I want to chat it up at four o'clock in the god damn morning because I know that they are the only other people that are still up at that current time, I can't just hook up to the internet in my room. No, that would be too easy. I have to find a phone line. A phone line that is connected to the second number. The number for the internet. This line happens to be located in my living room, which is approximately 20 feet away from my nice cozy warm bed. And because my mother is often compared to the psycho mother in the movie Carrie, I have to go all stealth mode to use my computer at this time. So here I sit, crouched behind the couch in our living room, pecking the keys ever so slightly so that I don't disturb the quietness that surrounds me. Hell, this would be so much better if I was dressed in all black and was wearing camo war paint. No, instead I am wearing white shorts and a pink tank top. Anyway, I swear tomorrow I will run a phone line from the living room to my room. This is a promise. You watch me. Tomorrow night, I will not need to be all stealth.

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