Wednesday, November 26, 2008

You're Such a Character

Why does everything have to change? I mean really. The leaves change, seasons change, places change, time changes, people change, and you change yourself. Why does there have to be so much change. Do you think that father luck just wakes up and notices that one day everything is too right for you so he decides that now is the time for change? I don't know the answer. I don't think that anyone really does. In all reality, I think that things have to change so that no one person can truly be happy forever. One thing I do know is that I honestly do hate holidays. I lie and tell people that I love this time of year, but I really don't. I do enjoy the music, the decorations, the lights, and the warmth that their appears to be, but no holiday ever works out for me. I always fight with someone. Usually it's my mom and this season we are getting an early start it seems. It's the day before Thanksgiving and we're already fighting. It's always about something stupid too, like where I spent my day. I don't know why it's so hard for her and I just to get along. Earlier this week, we had spent three days together and everything was going great. But I knew sooner or later, I would do something that labeled me stupid or a failure. Whatever. I'm learning to live with it. You would think that after twenty years, I would walk away without a scratch. Still, however, I don't. It still bothers me, even though I try not to let it show. Maybe I really am stupid. Maybe I really am a failure. But whatever I am, I would rather be that than abide by all of her rules. I don't want to be the perfect daughter. I'm happy with who I am.

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