Sunday, November 23, 2008

An Ode to You My Love

So you lie. So you're a liar. Big deal. It doesn't matter. Anyone that hates you for it, isn't someone that you need. And I may be so bold as to post this for you to read, but I feel that you must know the truth. So I risk the wierdness and anger that you might feel by the end of it all. I'm not gonna lie though and sit here and tell you that I don't care that you lie to me, when I really do. I'm not mad about it, I just wish that you felt that you could tell me the truth. I think that the way that you lie, is your defense mechanism. I think that you feel that you, the real you on the inside, is not good enough to let through. I think that you're afraid that if you show someone the real you, they won't be there for you in the end. I think these things and I watch your actions and I wish that I knew how to make it better for you. I know you're thinking, "ugh how cliche," because I think the same thing. But the funny thing is, it's true. There are times, when I think you let your guard down, and I catch a glimpse of the real you or at least I think it's you. I'll never know really. I don't think that you're an imbecile. I don't find you to be fake. I don't think that you're an asshole. I think that you have a past that you cannot tell people. I think that you have things about you, that are too difficult for you to bare and opening up to tell someone, only causes you more pain. And I think that when you say that you're a liar and you don't care if someone hates it, you're lying. So I say this to you, as someone that loves you. As someone that cares about you. As your friend. As your best friend. I do care that you feel that you have to lie. But I don't care that you lie. I'm your friend and I care about you and I'm not going anywhere. I'm here until the end. I'm here until you decide you don't need me anymore. So you can continue to lie to me because I understand why. It doesn't bother me. I love you hunny bun and you're the prettiest person I've ever met. :)

P.S. I miss you too Greyson VanPelt and I hope that I will be seeing you soon enough :)

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