Friday, November 7, 2008

I'm Seeing In Me Now, The Things You Swear You Saw Back Then

So these past two days have been INSANE. My friend Kendra just had a baby. She is adorable. Can't wait to see her. Which means that Kendra is coming home in like two weeks. YAY!!!! Last night was a fucking blast. Really needed it. Got completely wasted. Spent the whole night dancing, laughing, talking, and attempting to watch a movie. The whole movie thing didn't work out so well but whatever. Woke up this morning completely hungover and regretting some of last night. Ended up txting some people and had a conversation with someone that was a little weird but in a weird way made me kind of happy. Okay... so then Tameca and I spent an hour eating breakfast with the grandmother and then just sitting around the table, drinking coffee, and discussing the various aspects and philosophies of life. It was great let me tell ya. I don't think I have laughed that hard in like forever. Then, cleaned up the basement from lastnight, and preceded to head into town to take Tameca home in pajamas. I had no idea what I looked like until I pulled into McDonalds to get soemthign to drink and my friend Rachel was like "Had a fun night last night?" After dropping Tameca off, I went home where I spent a good three hours helping my mother clean her room. That was awkward and yet a good time because I don't think my mother and I have laughed that hard in forever. Now I am sitting here checking my myspace and writing this blog before Tameca and I go out. First we are going to Moches where we will help some freinds celebrate a birthday. Then we are going to a party at one of our friend's houses from Port. It's gonna be a killer let me tell ya. Then I have to work tomorrow but then I am going out again tomorrow night. I am determined to have a good time. :) So until I manage to update this again I hope this sounds a little more cheerful then my prior posts.

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