Friday, November 14, 2008

The Dashboard of my mind is clutterd with the thought of you

So I know that I haven't updated in awhile. So here is a quickie. Life has been unexpectedly unpredictable lately. The best friend was home this past weekend, which was absolutely wonderful. Got to catch up with him and spend some time with him. Sadly, however, like all good things, it came to an end, and he departed for Allentown Tuesday afternoon. The days that have followed have been amazing though. I went back to work and caught up with some friends there. I have been doing quite a bit of laughing lately and getting to know a lot more people. I had a really long conversation with a new friend at work that opened my eyes to a lot of things. Kendra is coming home with the baby on the twenty-fifth and I'm oh so incredibly excited. It has been almost three months since I have last saw her. Her baby is adorable and I can't wait to spoil it like crazy. I also heard from an old friend yesterday. My friend Tasha had moved to Jamestown unexpectedly a few months ago and I hadn't heard from her. I didn't even know where she was, until she called. She is coming home this weekend to visit some of her family. So I get to see her. I can't wait. I have missed her a lot too. Tasha, Kendra, and I have been friends since third grade. So you can only imagine, how hard it is not to have them around all the time. I have also been doing a lot of relaxing lately. For example, I slept in today for the first time in what seems like an eternity. When I finally managed to scrounge up enough energy, I got up and showered and then began to continue to read from the same book I have been trying to finish for the past two years. Surprisingly enough, I was able to get a lot of the reading done. So basically that's my life up to date. Sorry that nothing profound or wicked happened. But what can I say, I lead an utterly boring, natural, sometimes depressing life. But I am me. So I roll with it and make due. :)

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