Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Peace, Love and Equality

And for real, you can just bite me. That is the attitude that I have right now. For real, these past two days have been outrageous. It all started yesterday when one of my co-workers decided to make a statment that I have literally been fuming about for the past 24 hours. For those of you that don't know me, I am a person who very much embraces the concepts of peace, love, and equality. Recently, however, it has come to my attention that our so called "everyone is created equal" nation is trying to ban the allowance of marriage for the gay community. I am not gay, but my best friend is so this issue also affects me in a way. I love him and he is no different than me. He loves just like I do. But some people have a problem with who he loves. I don't understand why this is such a problem. Love is love right? No matter who it is shared with. I believe that the gay community should be allowed to get married. In fact, I believe that everyone is entitled to marry, no matter their sexual orientation, color, race, ethnicity, religion, etc. It's rediculous how people are today. Ugh...it just pisses me off. But anyway back to the story. I was carrying on a conversation with my co-worker, whom is bi, about prop 8. After explaining to him what it is, he then proceeded to tell me that for someone who is supposedly not gay, I sure care a lot about the equality of the gay community. This outraged me. Seriously? So because I believe that everyone is created equal and I believe that everyone is entitled to their god-given rights and that the gay community should be allowed to get married, I'm gay? Why is that? I have to be gay to suppor the gay community? Where is that stated as a fact? Helloooooo.....my best friend is gay and so I'm going to support him in everything that he is. But even if my best friend was not gay, I would still support the gay community. I think that it is rediculous that in today's society, if we suppor the minority, that makes us one of them? I mean don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that I am offended to be called gay because I'm not. I know that I am straight. I like men. That is who I am. I can't help that no more than anyone else, no matter if they are gay or straight. But just because I believe in equality, all of sudden I have to be gay. I wish that this world could just open their eyes and see that this Utopia that they are trying to create is never going to happen. People are different. Everyone is different. There is no normal. So why is it such a big deal to strive to reach normal? Don't set about making statmetns like all is created equal if you are going to then turn around and condemn someone for being who they are? Don't take away their rights! Don't tell them that God will one day condemn them for their actions! Don't take away their right to love! Don't take away who they are! You can't! No matter how hard you try. So this is me, a straight white 19 year old female standing up for what she believes in. Peace, Love, and Equality. So stop spreading the h8. For reals. Grow the fuck up and stop being so afraid that they may rock your world from it's steady place. Get ready for change because hunny, change is a coming.

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