Thursday, January 1, 2009


I'm so tired of saying goodbye.
Losing love and breaking ties.
Of waking up to darkened skies,
That only bring more metaphors and lies.
It seems all of these words,
Couldn't be further from the truth.
How did we get here?
What did we do?
In despair I bow my head,
There is no peace on earth I said.
For hate is strong and marks the song,
Of peace on earth,
Good will to men.
We've lost hope,
In trusting love.
But what will we do,
When all love is gone,
And hate wraps around the world in the still chill of the night.
For though we may all be departed,
There is still a chance that we will see.
There will be answer.
A reckoning.
Peace on earth.
Let it be.

I've tried to blog about what happened last night. But words fail me everytime. I was hurt by someone that I thought was a member of my family. But because his courage lay in the palm of his hand, taking the shape of a beer can, he spoke the words that crossed his mind. They cut like knives through my hopefilled mind and left me with a question of which I fear the answer. There is no peace on earth. There is too much hate. And because I thought that I could change the world, that I could bring a friend to my home and have them be treated like any other person, I guess I expected people that are the closest to me to shield the harshness of the world and show my friend that not everyone is filled with hate. But I was wrong. I blame myself for believing in peace. For believing in change. For hoping that someday there will be an answer and everyone will let it be. But each day gets worse and worse and people don't see the hate. The violence. The despair. Well this is my solomn vow. It will not happen again. And at the end of the day, I can look in the eyes of my friends and believe that there is still hope. I may be a dreamer. But I'm not the only one. I hope someday everyone will join us and the world will live as one. So to close this blog, I am going to quote my friend that they hurt, "My heart bleeds black for you." And it does. It really does.

1 comment:

Myself said...


you gotta look right thru the hate
interior design is just my fate

haha i hope that will make you laugh
like it did me, in the middle of denny's at midnight.

I miss you babe and please don't give up on peace, and love. Remember all you need is love, all you need is love, all you need is looooooove.....I was meant for loving you baby you were meant for loving me. =)