Sunday, January 4, 2009

Updates are FuN

I dyed my hair yesterday. I like it. It's a little more red than before but still more like a brownish red. I'm planning on adding some highlights to it. I'm thinking caramel. Not sure but I'll figure it out. I'm looking for change. Finally got my car fixed today but after it was finally finished, the hood got stuck so I have to take it tomorrow to get that fixed. Not to mention, I also have to change the windshield wipers, find a gas tank, and buy a new dome light. I love cars that don't seem to function. Other than that, things have been pretty normal and pretty great. I have to return to school this week. So NOT looking forward to that. But whatev. Someday I'll look back and be like dude it wasn't that bad. Oh also, continuing with the delema I am having with a certain someone calling my best friend a faggot, his wife now is telling people that I am a liar. That he simply just asked me if my friend was moving to Florida and that I flipped out on him. HELLL FUCKING OOOOO. I was not the only fucking person in the garage. Others have told the same god damn story. What fucking ever. I'm so done. Just wait. Anyway, I'm watching waiting and I need a cig. Peace.

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