Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tell Me How Do You Sleep At Night?

Ahh to finally sit down tonight is a wonderful feeling. Almost as good as what niccotine would feel like as it carressed the inside of my lungs, but since I've given up smoking that would be the end of that thought. Pretty proud of myself however because I have gone two days so far. They say that if you can make it through three days then it gets easier. God I hope so. The coughing and the cravings are just not hot. So today was fun. Went shopping and met up with some friends. Almost had a heart attack when I thought that a friend had been in a bad accident but then I found out that it wasn't her. I feel bad for her friend though that was in it. The pictures looked pretty bad. Other than that, I was really productive today. I made like a to-do list but it's more of like a promise list of things that I am promising myself I am either going to start doing or stop doing. Lately things have been so chill for me. Nothing has been bothering me and I haven't been caring about anything lately and I do mean ANYTHING. I'm returning to the me that I used to be back in highschool when Kendra and I were nice when we needed to be nice but bitches when you messed where you shouldn't mess. Things were so much less stressful back then because I just simply didn't care what people thought. Also it has been oh so great to just not have feelings for anyone right now. I'm loving it as a matter of fact. So much more relaxing. I don't have to worry about impressing that person or constantly having them on my mind. I'm liking that I can just simply do my thing right now without having the thought of something, someone, or a possibility hanging in the background of my mind.

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