Thursday, February 5, 2009

La La La Lie

One of my favorite things to do is just dump a bunch of cds out on my bed, randomly pick one, and then just listen to the songs that play. The key is to not know what you are about to listen to, but let the song trigger a memory. Music is such a powerful thing. It can take your mind away to a different place. If you listen to the lyrics and the lines of the song, they can change your life. Music is part of your soul. If you're the musician, then the piece is you. A composition of your life. I love music like you wouldn't believe. Seriously, I'm obsessed. Some people say that they couldn't live without their cell phone or their computer. For me, I couldn't live without music. So that's how I'm spending my evening tonight. Completely intoxicated off of nyquil and listening to music. It's a good time for real. This shit is bank.

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