Friday, April 3, 2009

These Lines I Delive Are Fake

Okay I love scary movies. I love just spending random days off just watching scary movies. However, my question is why do they always seem to have the same plot? Seriously can't they ever come up with something new. There is always going to be that chick that screams at fucking everything and always gets her self killed in the beginning. There is always gonna be that boy and that girl that are so powerfully in love that they always end up winning and getting through in the end. Haha I love watching them but I just want to see a scary movie that is seriously going to freak me the fuck out. It has been forever since one has done that. Everytime I think one is going to be so friggen scary, all the good parts are shown during the previews and the movie doesn't live up to it's potential. Lol whatever this is lame. I'm blogging about scary movies on my day off. Time to go get a shower and go shopping. Then be back to town by 7 for the dessert theatre. Peace out.

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