Sunday, May 10, 2009

Pepsi Is My Drug of Choice

I'm enjoying the peace and serentiy of an afternoon cigarette while I bask in the warmth of the sun. Haha....what a line that was. However, it is true. I'm indulging in the reality that is my life. Watching romance movies and fantasizing about a future to come. It's quite extroadinary, I might add, this idea that I have for my future. The man of my dreams sends shivers down my spine. God, I feel like a little girl. I want a man right out of a movie. I want to sip wine and dance to Frank Sinatra on the patio of our house underneath the summer sky. I want him to enjoy music the way that I enjoy music. Playing the piano or being able to sing couldn't hurt. Because if he could love music and enjoy it the way that I do, we could spend late nights making music together. I want a love that will never die. Excitement in the realtionship that won't ever end. I want to only long for him. I want to wake up to him and sleep next to him every night. Wow. I just re-read this. I should really stop. This, I fear has gone past being a blog, to just some random spell for my soulmate. Anywhoo....I have the next two days off from work, so I have a feeling that I will be able to write a lot more. I'll have a chance to relax, expect for the four hours that I'll spend on homework while I attempt to make something of my life. But as for right now, I just got a chill so I'm gonna head back inside. I'll try to write some more later.

P.S. I'm moving out....soon hopefully.

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