Tuesday, March 24, 2009

It's All Your Fault

If you could only see,
The way I look at you.
Beyond the staRe when you look at me,
What I long to do.
If you could only hEar,
WhAt I'm reaLLy saying,
When I saY nothing at alL.
The message that I convey,
Could be quIte breathtaKing.
If you could only feel,
What I fEel,
When I stand next to you.
The adrenaline, I'm afraid,
Could be a little captivating.
If you could only know,
WhY I'm the way I am,
When you're arOund,
The psychosis, yes the craziness,
Can be sort of intoxicating.
Still yoU say you see it all,
Hear it all,
Feel it all,
Know it all,
But you don't.
No you don't see how I really feel.
Things are not just what you see.
Life is still a mystery.

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