Saturday, July 4, 2009

Too Much Time On My Hands

Her name rings in your ears,
Like a memory that you once knew,
And you don’t know why you’d love to love her.
In all your life,
You’ve never seen a woman,
So free and so sure,
So taken by the wind.
She sets her rules and her own limits,
A golden girl immersed in a hard core world,
The last kind of her generation.
Still she’s dangerous when it comes to bearing her soul
She is darkness and she is mystery,
The magic of a blackened night.
Like falling sands of time,
She blows your mind like the wind.
And wouldn’t you just love to love her.
You know it’s hard to find someone with that kind of intensity.
But in the end,
Would you stay if she promised you heaven?
Gave you everything you ever wanted,
But there you go again,
Saying you want your freedom,
It’s only right that you play it the way you feel it.
But listen carefully to the sounds of your loneliness
Trust your first initial feeling.
So you hope and you pray,
That the breeze will again blow your way,
That someday your paths will cross,
And maybe she would love to love you,
But all the meanwhile she just wonders who will be her lover.

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